Thursday, July 17, 2008

My success tomorrow depends on my choices today!!!

Hi my name is Angela & I am so DONE being the fat girl! I am scratch that word, I am losing my baby-weight plus the extra weight I put on after getting married. My all-time highest weight was 268 when I was pregnant with Natalie. (Aug. 2006) After delivery my weight was 255 pounds!

When I started SparkPeople (from here on SparkPeople will be referred to as SP) back on 11/7/06, I weighed in at 239 pounds. Although Christmas of '06 I went up to 248!
I was only on SP for a couple of months, but I got really discouraged and tried to do too much at one time and burned out. Plus I was having a really hard time with some postpartum depression, which made things worse! I was so disgusted & depressed that I decided there was NO WAY I was ever going to lose the weight! I actually threw out all of my "skinny" clothes because I just knew I would never fit in them again! Boy was I wrong!!!

On January 1st while channel surfing I found an interview of Chantel Hobbs for her new book, "Never Say Diet". I was SO impressed by her testimony and all that she has accomplished in a very short amount of time. She went from 350 to 150...a total of 200 pounds lost! I was already starting to work on getting healthy, but her story encouraged me to really get going!

I thought WOW, if she can lose 200 pounds, certainly I can lose 100! I decided then and there that I would commit to SP. Things just really clicked for me & I knew I could do this! And so far since recommitting to SP the end of Dec. '07 I have lost 53 pounds!!! If I can do this, you CAN do this!!!

I am 5 ft 9 inches & large boned so the extra weight isn't horrible...but I know I would feel a lot better about myself if I get back down to 165...which is in the healthy range for me and then we'll see how I feel about going any lower or not. I want to be a positive role model for my girls! They need their Mommy to be healthy and teach them how to be fit for life!

My Weight Loss Plan:

Lately people have been asking me what I'm doing to lose the weight & stay in shape...I am by no means an expert and I am still trying to figure things out for myself. But here's a little on what I am doing for me:

I think in the beginning I was eating too few calories, around 1200 or so. Yes the weight came off, but it eventually caught up with me and slowed my metabolism. I wish I had known then what I know now...It's important to figure out your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and then take 500 but now more than a 1000 calories off of that to lose weight. I have been using the TDEE calculator from this website:

I've also used this website to help me figure out a 7- day calorie cycling plan.

These have helped me a lot lately as I try and figure out what my body needs for energy, but yet still continue to lose this weight. I haven't gotten on the scale in awhile but hopefully the next time I weigh myself I will finally see some results from my hard work.

If you want to know what I'm eating check out my Food Tracker on the right hand of the screen. I do track daily for the most part. I don't really tell myself I can't have something. If I really want it or am having a craving I'll work it into my calories for the day. When I'm craving chocolate I'll have a piece or two of Hershey's Bliss Dark Chocolate. They are 33 calories a square! I try not to eat a lot of processed food, and stick more with lean proteins, fruits, veggies and whole grains.

As for exercise, I do so many things...variety is the key to keeping me going. I love to walk with my girls in their double stroller. Exercise TV - including Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds", 30 day Shred and more. I have recently picked up jogging/interval training and I love it! I am training for a 5K and have been using the following music that I download to my Nano to help me.

Just click on on Podrunner: Intervals Archive and it will give you a list of podcasts to download. They are really great!

I also like to try all kinds of exercise dvd's. I like Tae Bo, Jillian Michael's 30-day shred, and lots of others that I find on exercise tv. I'm a big fan of variety because then I don't get bored doing the same thing every day and I'm constantly challenging my body.

Strength training is SO important so just do it!!! I like to do it every other day. I have a weight bench in my garage now...yay! ;) I actually like to do push ups because I love seeing my arm muscles get defined....oh and calve raises too! ;)

Hope this helps!


C.G. Koens said...

That is AWESOME!! First, congrats on the weightloss!! I'm sure it feels amazing!! Second, thanks for all the info. Peter has battled weight most of his life and he is so tired of this time the plan is to make lifestyle changes that we can stick with. It's great to see someone who has been there and done it! Whoo hoo!! :-)